Winter Mornings: Tea-to-Talk

         "Hello Earth
                 Hello Sky
                        Hello Heart
                                   Hello Friends"

Each morning, once we have almost all arrived, we gather around our pink sequined cloth circle and sing these words, drumming upon EARTH, reaching for SKY, touching our HEARTS, and waving to FRIENIDS.

Then we focus our eyes and waving hands toward each person with the HELLO SONG.
"We say Hello with our hands to you," says the song.  Someone will know we are greeting them if we look at them with our eyes as well as waving hello, I remind. I must admit how thrilling it is when the group focus comes to you.  Some of you all who have been in the circle might agree.

We have begun a lovely winter tradition of gathering around warm tea. It offers us a sweet opportunity to extend our morning circle into group conversation, as well as developing the delicacy of our manners.  The warmth nurtures us, and the little warm cups keep us quite focused for discussion.

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