Homes in our World

Two of our children have both been talking about moves their families have made this season. 
New houses, moving trucks. 

These dolls live at our school. 

Our helpful teacher, Sarah moved into a new apartment this year... here she is in front of it.  
I love the yellow paintings all around it, and the brick walls, and the round door frame.  
And Sarah's smile! 

The snails take their houses with them on their backs for protection, 
since they are such soft creatures.  

What does your home look like?  
What is your favorite place inside your home?

Happy Earth Day To You

We celebrate the Earth. 
The planet where we live.
We sing "Happy Earth Day To You!"
to the tune, of course, of Happy Birthday.  
We are learning to be part of the Earth Family 
where all beings are Brothers and Sisters. 

Each child created a "flower child" -- an Earth doll to take home with them.


We celebrate spring with this song/movement-game: 
"Our roots go down, down in the ground...." 
and all the children seed-up in a yogic child's pose 
under a big earthy cloth..
.. and grow upward into standing, 
balancing upon their root feet, 
as plants, flowers and trees.

Spring School

Spring School is wonderful. 
The season has so much to say. 
Together, we try to take notice of earth's expressive moment, 
collaborate with it, explore the emerging and growing possibilities.  
It is so much fun, really. 
The sun's brightness makes the outdoors a new kind of classroom. 
Below are some pictures from our outside time.

Puppet show time with wiggly snakes painted by the children.  

Painting wooden horses and cats -- new toys for our classroom!

Gardening to plant our future snacks! Fresh organic lettuce.

One of our mothers who has spent some time with us recently, has donated our lettuce-farming supplies!

Our lettuce-patches are growing and the corn-husk Scare Crow 
we made in the fall stands above them to protect them. 

An action portrait!