Bread Recipe and Snack Schedule

Here's Phoebe's bread recipe. You may use it, or feel free to bring a dough of your own.

3 cups warm water (not scalding, but not lukewarm)
2.5 teaspoons yeast (or 5 teaspoons if freezing the dough)
Big pinch salt
4 Tablespoons veg oil or melted butter
5 Tablespoons honey

Put water in bowl and sprinkle yeast on top. Add rest of the ingredients and stir a bit.
Add whole wheat flour until it's the consistancy of wet cement.
Add white flour until it forms a dough.
Turn out onto a surface and knead, adding white flour as you knead until it's not sticky. 5-10 minutes.

Let rise until just under double in size. Punch down. Divide into two sections. This is where you can either:
1) Freeze both sections (some yeast will die when freezing, so this is why you doubled the yeast above). The night before you plan to bake it, move one section to the fridge and let it thaw overnight. In the morning it should be thaw, but cold. By the time you get to school it will be warm and pliable.
2) Let rise again overnight in the fridge (2.5 t yeast version).

Rolls will bake 20 minutes at 350.


November: Phoebe (1st two weeks)/Laila (2nd two weeks)
December: Laila/Phoebe
January: Alice
February: Attis
March: Kaz
April: Theo
May: Finn

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